Last night the Lehi Junior High Drama students delighted adults and engaged young children for 80 minutes of pure musical whimsy. The musical is based on the chants and stories found in the works of Dr Seuss (Theodor Seuss Geisel), and adapted into short melodious vignettes by Lynn Ahrens and Stephen Flaherty. A cast of fifty-three and a crew of 26 junior high students filled the auditorium, reminding us of why we love and adore Seuss and his crazy clan of imaginative creations.
Directed by Melani Boren, and wonderfully choreographed by David Lee and Serek Sorenson, the students drew the viewers into their colorful world where one faithful elephant named Horton decided to save the little people of Who. He was teased, bullied, outcast and abandoned by almost all of his fellow creatures. Luke Beuchert played the part perfectly, slowly developing his character from a timid and quiet pachyderm to the faithful one who never stopped protecting his Who friends. In the end, Horton won over not only the feathered and adoring Gertrude (played by Audrey Baron), but every Seuss-loving person in the packed auditorium, as well.
Last night, Horton steadfastly stood against all odds and uttered those words “I said what I mean and I mean what I said. An elephant’s faithful 100%!” This ageless tale puts these questions to us quite directly. Will we be as faithful to stand up for those weaker than us? Are we willing to endure stepping out of our comfort zone to help those who need protection? Will we be true to our commitments and not back down because popular opinion tells us we are foolish? A strong message from a slightly offbeat group of imaginary characters.
The colors, costumes and music are fun, but it's the contagious energy and enthusiasm of the junior high performers that is not to be missed. You can still catch it at Lehi Junior High School at 7 pm this Friday & Saturday night. $5 for adult, $4 for children.
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